2021-06-20 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
In this short post we’ll be taking a closer look at one of the CODEX prods. Featuring InnoSetup and FreeArc.
2021-06-19 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
A tiny, 30-line 6502 emulator in C.
2021-06-18 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
Don’t get me wrong - C is a lovely language. Like with every other man-made thing, there’s something off about it. Just like with programming in general…
2021-06-17 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
A writeup on my passion for combinator calculus.
2021-06-17 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
In July of 2020 was working with Ada#0132 on a small, multiprecision fibonacci sequence generator written in C.