2023-06-12 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
An easy, reusable way of embedding resources into SDL2 applications.
2023-01-05 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
Extending the infection mechanisms and implementing payload compression.
2023-01-03 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
Extending the infection mechanisms.
2023-01-03 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
Random bits and pieces related to ELF file infection.
2023-01-02 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
A writeup on my experiences with implementing a Z80 emulator in C.
2023-01-01 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
The Cleaner pattern is a new, shiny way to free native handles in Java 9.
2022-09-25 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
A review of various ways to approximate the factorial function, Gamma function and Digamma function.
2022-01-10 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
A multipurpose mathematical beauty demonstrated in APL.
2022-01-09 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
We all know the Newton-Raphson method for approximating the zero of a real-valued function, but how do we approach the problem of finding all real and complex roots of a polynomial?
2022-01-06 ::
Kamila Szewczyk
A short explanation behind my implementation of the Taylor Series in APL.